Publications & Paper Presentations

Publications & Paper Presentations

Spiritual Care Therapy on Quality of Life in Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers: A Prospective Non-randomized Single-Cohort Study

Dr. Ajay Sankhe, Dr. Komal Dalal, Dr. Devendra Save, Dr. Parag Sarve

Journal of Religion and Health (Springer, Pubmed Index)

Evaluation Of The Effect Of Spiritual Care On Patients With Generalized Anxiety And Depression: A Randomized Controlled Study

Dr. Ajay Sankhe, Dr. Komal Dalal, Dr. Devendra Save, Dr. Parag Sarve

Psychology, Health and Medicine Journal (PubMed Indexed, Peer review)

Efficacy of Spiritual Care Therapy in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study

Dr. Komal Dalal, Dr. Abhijit Aklujkar, Dr. Harminder Singh, Dr. Parag Sarve

Journal of Clinical and Preventive Cardiology