

A Gift of Nature to Humanity
The Ayurveda, Panchkarma and Ksharsutra centre at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute is one of the best Ayurveda centres in Mumbai. The preventive and promotive Ayurveda treatment offered at the center is focused on helping healthy people protect and maintain their Swasthya, and helps a diseased person in recovering and staying healthy forever.
Focused on the physical, mental, social, and spiritual bliss, the Ayurveda Department has successfully treated patients from over 30 countries. Our senior Ayurvedic doctors, also known as vaidyas, offer evidence-based Ayurveda practices that heals patients scientifically by providing them with customized analysis and a personalised therapeutic diet & lifestyle.
Our hospital supports interdepartmental integration to offer holistic healthcare to patients. The Ayurveda Centre is an integral part of the Integrated Clinics for Childhood Asthma, Hyperacidity, Renal Stone and Healthy Progeny run by the Hospital.
The Ayurveda Centre is actively engaged in research activities related to Ayurveda to encourage medicinal wealth in Indian system based on scientific knowledge. The centre is credited for finding Ayurcoro -3 – Clinically proven ayurveda immuno modulatory kit that helps reduce cough, body ache, fever, throat and respiratory tract problems.
Why Choose Us
- Preventive, Promotive Ayurveda treatment for healthy individuals provided at the centre
- We offer customized analysis with personalised therapeutic diet and lifestyle
- We have well-equipped IPD/OPD facilities for all types of Panchkarma at the centre
- Expert Ayurvedic Doctors with vast experience in Ayurveda, Ksharsutra and Panchkarma are available for treatment
- Evidence-based Ayurveda practice are performed at centre
- Garbhadhan Samskar – 6 Staged Programme for healthy conception is carried out at the hospital
- Ksharsutra Chikitsa services available at the centre - (Integrated Treatment For Anorectal Disorders)
- We provide integrated treatment to our patients
- We offer customized medicine formulation with authentic ingredients

- Ayurvedic Prakriti analysis through Nadi Pariksha by an expert Vaidya using modern HRV technology is available at the centre
- Traditional Nadi Pariksha for preventive medicine by an expert vaidya.
- Traditional Nadi Pariksha for preventive medicine by using modern HRV technology
- Duta (Envoy) Nadi Pariksha for distant patients: The process of checking the pulse of a near or dear relative while he/she meditates on the patient when the patient is unable to meet the doctor due to physical incapability or residing in distant areas.
- Telemedicine/E-medicine: Patients residing in distant places are assessed with the help of a software/e-form as well as through telephonic conversation, advised customized Ayurveda treatment and the medicines are couriered
- One day OPD Panchakarma procedures - Daycare
- Admission Facility for Panchakarma
- Weekly Holiday Panchakarma Package (On Sundays by prior appointment only)
- Family holiday Panchakarma package
- Wellness Panchakarma package for promotional health


- Prakriti Vigyan (Ayurveda Consultation) – Personalised Diet & lifestyle guidance to individuals
- We have Veda Pulse software that helps in comprehensive analysis of individuals with the help of Ayurveda consultants
- We provide solutions to patients based on seasonal lifestyle
- All types of Panchkarma services are available at the centre
- Ksharsutra Chikitsa
- Cosmetic & Skin problem solutions
- Instant Pain Management
- Leech Application
- Recurrent childhood issues
- Bone & Joint disorders
- Gynaecology and Obstetrics issues
- GI Disorders
- Central Nervous related conditions
- Recurrant Infections, Autoimmune Disorders
- Saundarya Ayurveda - Cosmetic Ayurveda for healthy and rejuvenated skin.
- Neuro Ayurveda - CNS related, Musculoskeletal related arthritis.