Hematology & Hemato-Oncology
Hematology & Hemato-Oncology


Comprehensive Treatment & Prevention of Blood Related Disorders and Diseases
The Department of Hematology excels in management of various blood related disorders like Anaemia, Leukaemia, Lymphomas, Myelomas, Thrombocytopenia, Myeloproliferative, Myelodysplastic disorders etc.
Our experts have more than 16 years of professional experience in treating blood cancers. Their expertise includes administering chemotherapies, and providing pre & post chemotherapy consultation.
Why Choose Us
- Highly Experienced Doctors for diagnosis and treatment of blood related disorders
- We treat leukaemia / lymphoma / Myeloma / & other Blood related disorders.
- State of the art oncology ward with highly skilled nurses.
- Leukaemia Induction.
- Chemotherapy facilities for treatment of blood related cancers
- High-end Diagnostic Services and In-House Pathology Lab to deliver timely and accurate reports.
- Neutropenia ward/ Isolation room facilities for post-chemo Rx neutropenic care.
- Reinforced by satisfied patients.
- Biological therapy
- Targeted therapy
- Immunotherapy
- Intrathecal chemo Rx
- Oral chemo Rx
Diagnostic Services
- Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy with specialised testing including flow cytometry, cytogenetics, Molecular studies next generation sequencing.
- Closely Collaborating with interventional radiology with expertise in CT/USG guided Biopsies
- Chemo Rx administration with ease of chemo-port / PICC access taken by expert onco-surgeon.
Tumour board
- Decision making is done with ease in consultation with multidisciplinary team consisting of surgeon / radiation oncologist, pathologist, radiologist & spiritual care.
Spiritual Care
- Aiming at holistic care we provide unique and humane care to all the patient to help them progress spiritually towards the ultimate purpose of human life.