Speech & Audiology


Diagnosing & Treating problems related to Speech, Voice & Hearing
The Speech & Audiology Department at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute works in tandem with the Department of ENT. It is committed to provide exceptional services in diagnosis and treatment of all problems related to speech and hearing.
Our department is well equipped with advanced services to conduct evaluation of Auditory pathway. Our tests benefit high-risk NICU patients, children with developmental delays, adults & children with autism and ADHD, and mentally challenged patients with Cochlear and Retrochochlear pathology.
Our experts are well-trained and experienced in helping all individuals susceptible to hearing loss and speech impairment.
Why Choose Us
- Dedicated Audiology Department to ensure patient centric treatment.
- The Audiology & Speech Therapy Unit is equipped with advanced services like BERA (Brainsteam Evoked Response Audiometry), OAE (Otoacoustic Emission Test) and ASSR (Audiometry Steady State Response).
Speech Therapy
Assessment and Management of all types of speech, language, hearing, Neurological and voice related disorders in paediatric, adult and geriatric population is carried out at the Rehabilitation Centre. Conditions treated include:
- Dual Sensory Loss
- Dual Sensory Loss with Autism / ADHD / Hearing Loss / Mental Retardation syndromes
- Misarticulation
- Voice Disorders
- Articulation & V.D in cleft lip & palate
- Stammering or Stuttering
- Aphasia
- Dysarthria
- Dysphasia
Audiology Unit
Assessment and Management of Hearing Impairment is achieved through:
- Audiometry
- BERA Test
- Special Tests (TDT, SISI)
- Speech Tests
- Impedance Audiometry
- Benefit Trial for Hearing Aid
- Hearing Aid Programming and Fitting (Digital / Analog)