Spiritual Care Certificate Course
Spiritual Care Certificate Course

Medical Research studies conducted around the world highlight the pivotal role Spiritual Care plays towards ensuring better patient treatment and care in a hospital set-up. To equip Medical and Paramedical professionals with Spiritual Care skills, the Department of Spiritual Care at Bhaktivedanta Hospital & Research Institute introduced the ‘Spiritual Care Certificate Course for Healthcare Workers’ in the year 2010. To facilitate the learning process this unique course is designed to provide practical hands-on training in addition to theoretical classes.
The Spiritual Care Certificate Course for Healthcare Workers is open to all the registered healthcare workers across the globe. On successful completion of the course certificates are awarded to the participating healthcare workers.
1.What is Spirituality and what is its need?
2.Does God Exist?
3.Who am I? The Nature of Living Entities
4.What is Spiritual Health and Care?
1.Mercy + Preventive Medicine through Diet
2.Austerity or Intoxications – Why?
4.Cleanliness (External and Internal)
5.Holy Chants – Sound Meditation
1.Modes of Nature
2.Abortion – Spiritual View
3.Laws of Action and Reaction
4.Reincarnation – Fact or Fiction
5.Concept of Death
6.Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
1.Qualities of Spiritual Care Giver
2.Five Sheaths of Holistic Health (Panch Kosh)
3.Spiritual Assessment of Patient
4.Practical Applications of Spiritual Principles
5.Counseling Skills
6.ABCD of Spiritual Life
1.NICU Spiritual Care
2.ANC Spiritual Care
3.Spiritual Care at Trauma
4.Death Care / Palliative Care
5.Spiritual Administration Management
6.Science of Temperament
7.Healing by Positive Affirmations
8.Forgiveness – The Best Way to Freedom
Chapter I
Basics of Spirituality
1.What is Spirituality and what is its need?
2.Does God Exist?
3.Who am I? The Nature of Living Entities
4.What is Spiritual Health and Care?
Chapter II
The MATCH Formula
1.Mercy + Preventive Medicine through Diet
2.Austerity or Intoxications – Why?
4.Cleanliness (External and Internal)
5.Holy Chants – Sound Meditation
Chapter III
The Mystery of Suffering
1.Modes of Nature
2.Abortion – Spiritual View
3.Laws of Action and Reaction
4.Reincarnation – Fact or Fiction
5.Concept of Death
6.Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Chapter IV
Applied Spirituality
1.Qualities of Spiritual Care Giver
2.Five Sheaths of Holistic Health (Panch Kosh)
3.Spiritual Assessment of Patient
4.Practical Applications of Spiritual Principles
5.Counseling Skills
6.ABCD of Spiritual Life
Chapter V
Specialized Spiritual Care
1.NICU Spiritual Care
2.ANC Spiritual Care
3.Spiritual Care at Trauma
4.Death Care / Palliative Care
5.Spiritual Administration Management
6.Science of Temperament
7.Healing by Positive Affirmations
8.Forgiveness – The Best Way to Freedom
The Department of Spiritual Care also conducts a one day or half day workshop based on the above course. During these workshops participants are given a round of the hospital and, various practical aspects of Spiritual Care are introduced and explained to them. Movies and Interactive Sessions further help the workshop participants to understand the Spiritual Services better.
For registration or queries, please write to kirti.m@bhaktivedantahospital.com